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UIDesignIcons: Icon names specifications

 by jstaniek: january 5, 2007
 status: in progress

These Kexi-specific specs are created on request of Kenneth Wimer and are compatible with Many of the names are reusable for database-related applications.

Table of Contents
     Navigation through database rows
     Form or report widgets
     Top-level database objects
Mime Type


I propose to use 'database-' prefix to make it clear the action is related to databases.

There are also actions related to the Form Designer component, what is not database-related. I used 'form-' prefix for them as a proposal for the standard.

See also Calligra shared icon specs prepared for Oxygen.


The format used below is:

 <standard-name> <kde3-name>
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Action ^ toc


button-no button_no

A symbol for indicating "no" value in a different way than 'red x'. This icon is currently used within the property editor. A striked-through icon provided because "button_cancel" or "no" icons are too similar to "delete" action, so user may be a bit confused.

test test_it

A symbol for various "test" actions. Currently this icon is used in "test query" action of the Query Designer. Activating the action executes the query and shows information whether it is well formed. The "v" mark from "ok" icon can be reused.

select-item select_item

A symbol for selecting item. Currently this icon is used in "pick a query" from a history of recently tested queries (screenshot: []). The icon can be designed as a hand (r a pointer) pointing at an item.
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database database

An symbol for database, as a data source (either physical or logical). Note: there is already application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.database icon which is a database "can" but embedded into a document sheet.

database-relation relation

An symbol for database relation, i.e. a logical connection of tables, like "company->employee" relation.

database-add-table-field add_field

This is a different action than spreadsheet's "insert column" action, because can be applied to non-tabular view (e.g. a form or report).

clear-table-contents clear_table_contents

An icon for deleting all rows from a table (or clearing them, i.e. filling with empty space). This icon is somewhat similar to delete-table-row except it indicates that all rows will be deleted (cleared), no matter which row is currently selected.

database-primary-key key

A symbol for database primary key. Note for artists: it's very common to draw the key in yellow.

database-autonumber autonumber

A symbol indicating that database field's is autonumbered (i.e. has sequence assigned).

database-index <none>

A symbol for database index (not yet used in Kexi, this example comes from MS Access).

database-import database_import

A symbol for importing database contents from an external format. The icon has to reuse 'database' icon described above.

database-export <none>

A symbol for exporting database contents into an external format. The icon could be similar to database-import except it can be bottom-up and red.
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Navigation through database rows

Note: these icons are defined especially for use in navigation bar (see screenshot []). Note2: existing icons like go-next, etc. can be reused. See also this kde-artists thread.

database-first-row navigator_first

Moves to first database row within the data set

database-previous-row navigator_prev

Moves to previous database row within the data set

database-next-row navigator_next

Moves to next database row within the data set

database-last-row navigator_last

Moves to last database row within the data set

database-new-row navigator_new

Moves to new (empty) database row within the data set, thus allowing entering values for new row
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Actions used for switching between states/modes. Except for SQL view, these actions are not closely related to databases, and can be used in other apps.

data-view state_data

Data view mode, which can display tabular data for tables or queries, form data for forms, etc.

design-view state_edit

Design view mode, allowing for editing contents of the active window.

database-sql-view state_sql

SQL view mode, related to database queries. Allows to edit text of the SQL statement to define query.

text-view state_text

Text view mode, showing text representation of an object.
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resize-to-fit aofit

Resize object (e.g. a form widget) to preferred (best) size, appropriate to its type and contents.

resize-to-grid aogrid

Resize object (e.g. a form widget) to the predefined grid, what can also change its position.

resize-to-shortest aoshortest

The height of the selected objects (e.g. form widgets) will be altered so that each of them will have the same height as the shortest one. The position of the widgets will not be changed.

resize-to-tallest aotallest

The height of the selected objects (e.g. form widgets) will be altered so that each of them will have the same height as the tallest one. The position of the widgets will not be changed.

resize-to-narrowest aonarrowest

The width of the selected objects (e.g. form widgets) will be altered so that each of them will have the same height as the narrowest one. The position of the widgets will not be changed.

resize-to-widest aowidest

The width of the selected objects (e.g. form widgets) will be altered so that each of them will have the same height as the widest one. The position of the widgets will not be changed.
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database-action form_action

Assigning action to a form's or report's widget, e.g. user can insert a push button onto the form and assign "close window" action for it.
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Form or report widgets

These icons are symbols for building blocks of forms or reports. Can be also used in applications not directly related to databases, so I removed the 'database-' prefix from the suggested names.

autofield-widget autofield

An autofield widget: a combination of text label and line editor (or other kind of editor)

button-widget button

A button widget.

checkbox-widget check

A checkbox widget.

combobox-widget combo

A combobox widget with an input box and a dropdown list.

imagebox-widget pixmaplabel

An imagebox widget that can display images or photos of simple types (JPG, PNG, GIF...). It used to be called pixmaplabel after Qt Designer, but imagebox name could be better. The famous Mona Lisa is used in this icon.

label-widget label

A label widget that can display non-editable content (usually text).

line-widget line

A line widget, presented as diagonal line.

horizontal-line-widget line_horizontal

A horizontal line widget.

vertical-line-widget line_vertical

A vertical line widget.

line-editor-widget lineedit

A vertical single-line editor widget.

text-editor-widget textedit

A multiline, text editor posible with rich text or syntax highlighting

multiple-objects multiple_obj

This icon is used to show that multiple objects (widgets) are selected e.g. in a design window.

unknown-object unknown_widget

This icon is used together with a name of object (e.g. widget) of an unknown type. For example, object can be of unknown type because it is defined in a plugin that is not currently available or loaded. Using this icon helps users to recognize this case.

objects-tree widgets

This icon indicates an objects tree. In Kexi it is used to describe a tab containing a widget tree (see 3rd tab on the right hand: []).

radio-button-widget radio

A radio button widget for handling options.

frame-widget frame

A simple frame widget (can contain other widgets)

groupbox-widget groupbox

A group box widget (can contain other widgets)

slider-widget slider

A slider widget

spinbox-widget spin

A spin box widget

tab-widget tabwidget

A tab widget (can contain other widgets)

stack-widget widgetstack

A stack widget able to contain other widgets and display one at a time

subform-widget subform

A subform (can contain other widgets)

spring-widget spring

A (horizontal) spring used for managing form layouts

vertical-spring-widget spring_vertical

A vertical spring used for managing form layouts

list-widget listbox

A simple list widget (without icons or branches)

tree-widget listview

A tree widget (possibly with icons or branches); NOTE: draw tree to give hint that hierarchy is supported

progress-bar-widget progress

A progress bar widget
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Top-level database objects

These are icons for actions that are usually used as toolbox items for inserting new widgetgs onto the form. Larger icon sizes are used in dialogs like "create new" or "save as" to give user a better hint about the kind of object being created or saved.

database-table table

Database table icon. Placed on a toolbox for creating action that inserts a new object of this type.

database-query query

Database query icon. Placed on a toolbox for creating action that inserts a new object of this type.

database-form form

Database form icon. Placed on a toolbox for creating action that inserts a new object of this type.

database-report report

Database report icon. Placed on a toolbox for creating action that inserts a new object of this type.

database-macro macro

Database macro icon. Placed on a toolbox for creating action that inserts a new object of this type. Unlike script, macro (at least in Kexi and MS Access) is a list of instructions. See Introduction in this document: Macros.

database-script script

Database script icon. Placed on a toolbox for creating action that inserts a new object of this type.

database-table-new table_newobj

database-query-new query_newobj

database-form-new form_newobj

database-report-new report_newobj

database-macro-new macro_newobj

database-script-new script_newobj

Action icons for inserting new database objects. These are created by putting a "star" on top of table/query/form/report/macro/script icon
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Mime Type

application-x-kexiproject-sqlite kexiproject_sqlite

A mimetype describing SQLite-based Kexi file. Can either contain the Kexi logo or be based on 'application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.database' icon. This mimetype somewhat fits to 'documents' family.
Alias: application-x-kexiproject-sqlite3

Note: Kexi 1.x series contain also kexiproject_sqlite2 variation of the icon () used to indicate version 2 of SQLite file format, as opposed to version 3. Version 2. is barely used nowadays, so we can forget about kexiproject_sqlite2 and make application-x-kexiproject-sqlite2 identical to application-x-kexiproject-sqlite3 for any past and future SQLite-based mimetypes. Note 2: the reason why we have talked about versions of SQLite formats is because these are completely incompatible, just like JPEG versus PNG in images world.

application-x-kexiproject-shortcut kexiproject_shortcut

A mimetype describing a "shortcut" to a Kexi database located on a server. The shortcut -- a pointer -- is a small file with enough information to perform connection to a database server. Can either contain the Kexi logo or be based on 'application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.database' icon. This mimetype does not fit to 'documents' family too much, as it is "a pointer" to a server infrastructure.

Note: take care about the small "arrow" to avoid conflicts with desktop shortcuts having small "arrows" rendered using "link" icon.

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database-server NONE

"network" icon is used in Kexi/KDE3, needs ideas

Kexi - "MS Access for Linux" ... and Windows
© Kexi Team
This content is available under GFDL
Last edited: June 11, 2007 by js, visited 0 times.