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Properties Framework

Table of Contents
   Major Data models
   Major GUI Classes
     0. Minor TODOs
     1. "Don't know" value within intersections


This library, called koproperty, is a set of classes implementing generic properties framework.

Every property has it's own row displayed using EditorItem object, within Editor widget. Widget class provides editing feature for EditorItem objects if a user selects a given item.

KoProperty framework also supports adding custom property types and custom property editor types using CustomPropertyFactory. Intersection of multiple property sets can be displayed within the same Editor instance. This can be reusued, eg. within a form designer when more than one widget is selected.

C++ Namespace: KoProperty

See KoProperty API Reference for API details.

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Major Data models

  • Property - representing a single property with it's own type and value
  • Set - holds an manages a set of properties
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Major GUI Classes

  • Editor - general purpose widget designed as one-per-app property editor, much extended comparing to e.g. QtDesigner's proeprty editor; can be filled with data coming from a Set object
  • custom editors, eg. for dispalying fonts, combo boxes
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This library has been renamed to libkoproperty and moved to koffice/lib/koproperty/. It's now reused by Kugar application.

Property library, was previously available within Kexi (koffice/kexi/) and later in /trunk/kdenonbeta/propertyeditor/. The library is a candidate for kdelibs.

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0. Minor TODOs

We need to better define what properies can be in the intersection when multiple widgets are selected: IIRC for now not all properties are shared.

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1. "Don't know" value within intersections


One small valuable addition (to koproperty) could be: "don't know" logical state, eg. for boolean property, for sets' intersection, "dont know" could be a third state, e.g. for tuples like (false, true).

At GUI level, user can select a certain value for all objects selected or leave the "don't know" value unchanged.

Similar behaviour could be for int property type, etc., but a property editor item for the property will not display any value.

The "don't know" flag could be implemented as a boolean member within a Buffer class for each intersected property, and set to false only when all intersected properies hav ethe same value.

Kexi - "MS Access for Linux" ... and Windows
© Kexi Team
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Last edited: March 15, 2007 by js, visited 0 times.