Kexi 0.9: Features
See also: ReleaseSchedule for Kexi 1.x
Our main goals for this release are (ordered by priority):
- [DONE] Major enhancements in the database library (KexiDB)
- [DONE] Stabilize GUI and DB API
DB Drivers
- [DONE] SQLite driver as official default Kexi db driver
- [DONE] introduction of PostgreSQL driver
- [DONE] cleaning up of MySQL driver
User interface:
- [DONE] Porting Kexi GUI for new KexiDB requirements
- [DONE] Rewrite and stabilize Data Table Widget/Window
- [DONE] Improved Table & Query editors
- [DONE] Startup dialogs & wizards
- [DONE] Forms
Data Migration
- [FUNCTIONAL]] Migration between engines (eg. SQLite->MySQL, MS Access->SQLite)