Run kde test scripts on Kexi.
Correct all the errors (eg use ConstIterators instead of Iterators). See http://www.icefox.net/kde/tests/report.html for scripts.
- Requirement: good C++
- Level: "*"
- Docs: see below
On 2006-04-20 a patch by Jacek Migdal (jacek()migdal()pl) was commited;
Used scripts:
Used guides:
Status: (ok - mean that it was already correct)
- atoi - ok
- bracket - corrected, remaining issue: script "bracket" wrongly point QMap variable
- callingexit - one remaining in "kexi/kexidb/cursor.cpp" (destructor),
- configpath - ok
- constcompare - ok
- constqstring - ok
- copyright - some remaining (is it really necessary tu put copyright everywhere?)
- copyrightyear - as above, more remaining
- cvsheaders - one deleted, done
- deleteprivate - ok
- designericonsizes - not relevant
- donot - ok
- dotdesktop - not relevant
- emptykddebug - some remaining, I'm not familiar with kddebug
- emptylastline - some remaining, is it really needed?
- filename - ok
- finddesignericons - not relevant
- finddesktopicons - not relevant
- gettimeofday - ok
- headerincluded - done, expect 3rdparty and headers containing only include or/and define
- iconsize - not relevant
- isempty - ok
- kcmmodulessize - not relevant
- kcmshellinfo - not relevant
- license - some remaining (as copyright, IMO it is not expected to put it in all files)
- listend - done, moreover I changed many Iterator to ConstIterator, two exception where lists are mutable,
- macrounderscore - some remaining (it's error only in C++ standards, doesn't appear in practice)
- noifbody - ok
- nonascii - some remaining, but we need them
- plusplus - ok
- postincrement - done
- processevents - some remaining, needed (not sure if all)
- qdebug - ok
- qflags - ok
- qmap - replacing it with QHash is possible only in Qt4
- qptrlist - ok
- qstringcompare - relevant to Qt4
- qstringnull - ok
- repaint - some remaining, don't know when we could replaced it with update()
- resize - some remaining, should be replaced later
- returnbracket - done
- savesize - ok
- semicolons - ok
- startswith - ok
- stdguiitem - some remaining, but needed,
- swears - ok ;-)
- thispointer - few fixed, some remaining because they templates, some because of nasty coding
- todo - remaining ;-)
- toolbar - ok
- true - done, a few remaining, but needed (in string)
- uniquekddebug - ok
- unixhome - not relevant
- validatedesktop - not relevant
- virtualdecon - ok
- virtualnotused - some remaining, but it isn't error
- widgetname - I think that it is only relevant to Qt4
- xmlkconfigxt - not relevant
To sum up things that are needed to be checked by maintainers: (low priority) callingexit, emptykddebug, processevents, repaint, resize, thispointer